Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Download Counter Strike 1.6 Games For PC Full Version Free

Download counter strike 1.6 full version for pc source counter strike maps counter striek cheat codes counter striek pc game play and system requirements www.supersonicgamez.blogspot.com
Counter strike v1.6 is the world's most played and most famous online action shooting games series not only online but download link for pc is also available here.It is basically first-person shooter game developed by valve software, who created renowned HALF-LIFE series of gaming.Showing in this game terrorists and counter terrorist forces and battle grounds including battle field as whole world.It is one of the world's most palyed game of all time....with the release of Steam valve's digital content delivery system counter strike v1.6 found a new step with in the first person shooting gaming community....with the addition of new concepts with new players new story line and with new enemies counter strike v1.6 really made an achievement as a progressive advancement to the mere half life series of games....And if you this this version of game then i can hope you would also like to play its version counter strike version 1.8 as its in the sequel of this counter strike series. >>>>> Free Download Counter Strike 1.8 Full Version from supersonicgamez.blogspot.com<<<<< .... enjoy the game guys......

System RequiRements:
1---  Processor >>> Pentium 4 . 2.0 GHZ.
2---  RAM >>> 256 MB.
3--- Video Memory >>> 64 MB.
4---Sound Card >>> DirectX compatable
5--- DirectX >>> Direct X 7.0 OR HIGHER.....

Recommended system requirements:
1---  Processor >>> Pentium 4 . 2.4 GHZ.
2---  RAM >>> 512 MB.
3--- Video Memory >>> 128 MB.
4--- Direct X >>> 9.0
5--- Sound Card >>> DirectX compatable

Counter StrikeV1.6 Screen Shots:



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